You need a new approach to generating attention, earning customer loyalty, and proving the value of your marketing investment. That’s where we come in.

Core Strategies

Content Marketing

Blogging / Vlogging / Email Blast / Videography / Copywriting

The Content Marketing Institute claims, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Content Marketing effectively adds value with a combination of tools that may include blogs, vlogs, emails, videos, and copy. A return on investment can be quite high if you can manage these elements on your own or in-house. But, it can also distract you from your best skills. You may choose to assign or contract some or all the work remembering that this material will move through your social networks with viral energy.

Web/Inbound Marketing

Web Design / Web Development / SEO / Google Adwords / Google Analytics / Conversion Optimization / Web Hosting

Outbound marketing puts products and services in front of a potential customer. In fact, it pushes it forward with radio and TV ads, newspapers and magazines, and billboards and special events. We recognize the mainstream ads as often annoying and repetitious. It does not offer reasoned appeal, but plays on humor, animation, and sex appeal.

Inbound marketing seeks to pull the customer toward the brand. It presents quality content to attract people to the business. Quality content aligns content with customer likes so that you can convert and close the customer interest. Instead of loudly competing for the customer interest, inbound marketing will make it easier because the browsing prospects are already shopping for the good and services in question.

Graphic Design

Trade Show Exhibit Design / Animation / Photography

Graphic design for digital marketing is its own communication form. It is one value-added strategy that uses images to solve problems for your business and your customer. There is a learning trick at work here. As visuals engage viewers, they participate and exchange leaving with some new information or impression. Well-designed and relevant graphics convince viewers to stay and buy-in. With each design element framing their interest, it also directs their buying decision.

Graphic designers use technology to create interest, engagement, and sales. In millennial era, everything needs a visual element. Millennials have been born into the digital age, and their education and experience has been multimodal. They expect visual engagement, work better with it, and make decisions based on its creative power.


Consulting/Strategy Development

Marketing Plan / Strategy Plans

Developing a digital marketing strategy involves multiple facets, tactics, and tools. Creating a full and effective strategy requires help, the kind of help that brings focus to your confusion, paints a picture of execution meeting your goals, and integrates the many technologies available.

Most B2B CEOs have never seen a model digital marketing strategy. They have been approached from every direction by experts on one tactic or another. They are hearing from everyone in the industry telling them to change their websites. But, most of those who would consult on your digital marketing plan have not dug into your market, products, and goals. They have a service to sell, but they do not spend the time to understand your brand, focus, or direction.

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Set Up / Social Media Management / Social Media Optimization

Everything hot is found on social media. Social media channels provide exceptional opportunities for members to socialize. But, that same universal reach provides the hottest contemporary way to connect brand and customer.

Messages on social media enjoy an extraordinary level of trust because the messages move among “friends.” The technology has the means to forward your brand message, score likes, and gather followers and subscribers. So, your business requires a presence, especially if the competition is socializing. 

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Advertising-Commercials / Animated Film / Interviews with Clients

Film remains a leading means to engage viewers. Used well to show products in action, demonstrate how-to processes, picture people involved in your service, or display a product inventory. Narratives appeal to people, and people relate to the people shown as users like themselves.

App Development

iOS app development / Android app development

Apps give customers access to your sales. Native apps come with the mobile device or are downloaded from the device’s “store.” Web Apps are actually websites that are written in HTML5 and look like Native Apps. Hybrid Apps cross native and HTML5 infrastructures. You find hybrids in an app store like native apps, but browsers also find their HTML. Hybrid apps have become very popular because they work across platforms. This reduces development investment.

To optimize your market reach and increase your access to the internet universe, your B2B business must explore app development options. And, given the complexity and cost, you also need the assistance of a power like Brand Anvil.


Drone Camera / 360° Camera

Drones are suddenly everywhere, but they are not right for every business. Drones are fast becoming a requirement for businesses that look best from the air. Real Estate agents, wineries, developers, farmers, surveyors, and many more sell services that are best understood in motion. Film shot from drones show dimension, color, and visual context for those products and services best understood that way. Even a drone flown indoors can capture your operation and warehousing.